LAND AND BUILDINGS!―in 165 countries and world areas of Nazarene missions work. That’s what your contributions to our biannual Alabaster Offering help provide. We’re receiving your offerings every Sunday this month. If you wish, you may simply place your entire Alabaster box into the larger box and then take a new one to start on your February offering. They’re on the missions table next to the wall on the south side of the foyer.
LET’S RAMP UP OUR FOOD PANTRY SUPPLIES―Our panty and blessing box are getting a lot of use these days―and they’re supplied totally by our Greenbrier Valley Church family. Please make it a weekly routine to bring non-perishable food items and place them in the box beside the front door. The need is great—and we’re doing it all for Him!
ARE YOU INVOLVED IN WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY? GV Nazarene offers two great opportunities each week: (1) Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 each Sunday and (2) Mid-week Bible study and prayer meeting each Wednesday at 6:00 pm. We all need Bible study!
9:15 am―Cinnamon rolls, coffee, juice, and milk in the foyer
9:30 am―Sunday School classes for all ages
10:30 am—Morning worship service, sanctuary
Children’s church, north wing (latter portion of service)
Youth breakout worship time, south wing (latter portion of service)
6:00 pm―September church board meeting, board room
6:00 pm―Mid-week Bible study and prayer meeting, board room
SEPTEMBER MOVIE NIGHT― Friday, September 27, 7:00 pm, east parking lot and fellowship hall. We’ll be featuring Cars 3. Invite your friends and neighbors!
GIVE AS THE LORD HAS GIVEN TO YOU. Thank you for your faithful ongoing support of our ministries through giving His tithe and your offerings. Online giving is always available at
STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR THIS PAST WEEK: Sunday morning worship service in-house total: 30 (year ago: 16). Sunday School: 10. Wed. evening: 5. Approx. 110 Facebook connections to our Sunday morning service and Wednesday prayer meeting. September 1 offerings: $2,112.87