CALLING ALL COOKS! We need your culinary skills for our Easter Sunday morning breakfast, set for April 20, 9:30 am. Please indicate your availability by writing a note on your bulletin sleeve and placing it in the offering plate this morning. Thank you!
MONTHLY PRAYER LIST RESET—Our prayer request list will be reset next week, so please submit a note via your bulletin sleeve about (1) any name you would like to retain or (2) any new name you would like to appear on the prayer list. Also, always provide your own name with any prayer request so we’ll know how to follow up.
MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP—This Saturday, 9:00, fellowship hall. We especially invited any who have not attended for several months. Please join us for a great time!
SPRING CLEANING DAY #2—This Saturday, 10:00 am. Please come and help us continue getting our building and grounds looking their best in preparation for our church’s upcoming golden anniversary celebration event, May 17-18.
THIS COMING SUNDAY, APRIL 6—OUR NEXT GVCN 50-YEAR ANNIVERSARY PLANNING MEETING in the board room following the morning worship service. Lunch will be served. Everyone is needed to help—especially long-term members of RCN & GVCN.
EASTER EGG NIGHT-GLOW HUNT—Coming up next week, Friday, April 11, 8:30 am. Candy, mini glow sticks, and monetary donations are still needed. We need the entire church family to attend and to help make this important outreach event a great success.
THE VISION FOR A HOLINESS WITNESS IN RONCEVERTE: Several families from the Alderson and Gap Mills Nazarene congregations in the early 1970s had a strong vision for a Holiness church to be established in the Ronceverte-Lewisburg area. The district Home Missions Board had also apparently been interested in the idea for many years. After much persistent prayer, Earl and Catherine Sams of Fort Spring contacted the district superintendent, M. E. Clay, formally asking for a Nazarene church to be established here. The response was favorable, and the couple’s many prayers were realized when the 610 W. Main Street building was purchased and worship services began in late summer 1974 with the church’s first pastor, Don Armstrong, a recent graduate of Nazarene Bible College, Colorado Springs.
9:15 am―Cinnamon rolls, coffee, juice, and milk in the foyer
9:30 am―Sunday School: The Way, Truth, and Life
10:30 am—Morning worship service, sanctuary
6:00 pm—Mid-week prayer meeting & Bible study, board room
9:00 am—Monthly men’s breakfast fellowship, fellowship hall
10:00 am—Spring Cleaning Day #2. All hands on deck!
Sun., April 6: 50-year anniversary planning meeting with lunch, following morning worship service, board room
Tues., April 8: Monthly church board meeting, 6:00 pm
Fri., April 11: Easter party and night-glow egg hunt, 8:30 pm
Tues., April 15: American Red Cross blood drive, 1-6 pm, foyer
Sat., May 17—Sun., May 18: GVCN 50-yr. anniversary celebration